Five Steps to Start a Spiritual Discipline


One of the purposes of spiritual practices is to create space in our busy, hectic lives for God to speak to us. They’re an opportunity to step away from the crazy and quiet ourselves enough to hear God’s voice.

So where do we start? If you haven’t practiced any of these before, it can feel intimidating and overwhelming. Here are 5 simple steps to begin a spiritual practice and experience the abundant life that Jesus promises.

1. Choose one practice to introduce

There are many spiritual disciplines, but the ones I’m talking about here are the following:

  • Sabbath

  • Pauses during the day

  • Journaling

  • Examen (reflection before bed)

Don’t get too excited and decide to suddenly include all of them in your life. (That’s always my tendency!) You have a much greater chance of sticking with it if you just pick one at a time. Which one are you most likely to consistently practice? Which one do you think would benefit you the most right now?

2. Commit to practicing it for 30 days

Spiritual practices take, well, practice. They also take discipline. You’re probably not going to do it once and have an amazing revelation. Maybe, but think more over the long haul. Decide on practicing it for a full 30 days before deciding how it works for you or giving up.

3. Don’t expect fireworks

As I explained in number 2, it takes time. We have to learn how to quiet all the noise in our minds and hearts. That takes practice! Practice itself is progress.

4. Pick a consistent time and place

One way to keep a practice consistent is to do it at the same time each day and in the same place each day. It helps to train our minds that when we (for example) step out on the deck at 10am, that it’s time to take a deep breath and give God all the things that have been making us anxious. Or when I sit at my desk in the morning with my coffee after hubby leaves for work, I know it’s time to journal and process things with the Lord. Our sense of smell is also a powerful memory trigger, so consider including a scented candle as part of your practice.

5. Be expectant and faith-filled

Trust that God will meet you as you honor Him by creating space in your life to focus on Him. It will take you time to quiet all the noise, but trust that God wants to meet with you and shine His light on the areas of your life that are hindering you from living abundantly in Him.

I would love to hear how it goes! Which practice will you start?


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