Spiritual Disciplines for the Busy

Spiritual disciplines? How do I fit that into my already busy schedule? Jesus didn’t have a job to get to, kids to raise, errands to run, or a house to clean!

True! Our modern life looks a lot different than it did in ancient Judea. However, the Bible was written not only that time, but for this one as well. So how do we practically incorporate spiritual disciplines into our busy lives?

First, if you’re looking some further direction on what exactly spiritual disciplines are and what they aren’t, take a look here:


And, for some simple ways to begin a spiritual discipline, you’ll find that here:


Then, if we’re trying to figure out how to incorporate these things into our lives, here are some suggestions:

Don’t look at it as another thing to add to your to-do list.

Think of it more akin to cooking or baking. Rather than being a separate meal that you need to prepare, think of it as the spices or other ingredients that you’re adding in to what you’re already making.

What are things that you already do where you can incorporate a simple spiritual practice?

Silence, solitude, and prayer frequently go together. When in your day do you have opportunities for silence and solitude? Do you drive in to work by yourself? Instead of listening to the radio, what if you used that time for silence and prayer?

Do you take a mid morning or mid afternoon coffee break? Instead of scrolling social media, why not take that coffee outside or into a quiet area of your office building and spend a minute in silence, lifting your concerns to Jesus? You can also use these brief times to meditate (think about, mull over, pray through) a Bible verse.

How about Bible reading and memorization? What are the cracks of time in your day where you could incorporate this? During breakfast or lunch? Could you read a chapter of the Bible while you eat in place of scrolling your phone? How about in the school pickup line? What if you worked on memorizing a verse while sitting in the doctor’s office waiting room? Or in the line at the grocery store?

I’m the first one to say that I’m guilty of this - whenever we have a moment of free time or are stuck waiting for something, we go straight for our phones. We have a drive to entertain ourselves with the quick satisfaction we get from surfing social media, checking email, or playing a round of Candy Crush or Wordle. I have no doubt that it’s truly addictive. There’s nothing wrong with taking some time to unwind, but I know I can tend to fill every extra moment with phone usage if I let myself.

How about you? What are some ways you incorporate spiritual disciplines into your life?


Think about what you’re thinking…


Praying in the cracks and chunks…