God has designed you to live a life of purpose that is both glorifying to Him and deeply satisfying for you.

Is that the life you’re living?

If not, I invite you to take a journey with me. There is a way forward to overcome past habits and live a life of purpose and fruitfulness.

I’ve walked through the frustration of being stuck in habits and lies from the past. My relationships have been hampered by default reactions that don’t honor God.

You can learn to understand what you trip over and why. You can get unstuck and move forward in freedom and purpose.

  • BUILD your faith

    One reason we get stuck in our faith is because we stumble over lies about ourselves, God, or others. Those lies can hide below the surface in our lives, affecting our emotions, our thoughts, and our actions. Learn how to use BUILD, a method of journaling and spiritual disciplines to uncover those lies and replace them with truth from God’s Word.

  • Resources for growing your faith

    Do you have questions about practicing spiritual disciplines in your life, such as prayer, Bible study, and journaling? Download free resources on how some of those things can look in your life. This section includes a video guide to making your own “Book of Hours” to guide your prayer life and ways to use journaling to grow in your faith.

  • Knowing God

    What does it mean to know God and have a personal relationship with Him? How is that different from a religion? This page looks at what the Bible has to say about what a personal relationship with God looks like, as opposed to simply following rote religious practices. If you’re not sure what it means to be a Christian, start here.

  • Blog

    Read blog posts on growing in your faith. I cover topics that range from implementing different spiritual disciplines in your life, to issues like developing healthy boundaries. I also talk about practical ways to put the BUILD method into practice in our lives relating to different issues such as money, parenting, marriage, and conflict.

Journaling is a great way to get our jumbled thoughts out of our heads. This simple guide will help you learn how.