Do you feel stuck in your relationship with God? Journaling can help.

Do you ever wonder why you respond to different situations the way you do? Do you find yourself frustrated that you regularly react defensively when someone criticizes you? Does it hinder your relationships with others? Do you find yourself stuck in your relationship with God? Do you have trouble saying no to others when you need to?

 Many times, these frustrations are caused by unhealthy ways of thinking, believing, and acting that we learned from our family of origin, the world around us, or our sinful nature. Without realizing it, we embrace lies about God, ourselves, and others. If we can uncover these lies and understand our wrong ways of thinking and acting, we can “renew our mind” as Romans 12:2 says and grow in our relationship with Christ and in our relationships with each other.

Journaling is a way to uncover what’s getting us stuck. It has been an invaluable resource in my own life and walk with God.

This e-book contains discussions of different areas we commonly get stuck in and provides journaling prompts to help you uncover where your life may not be aligned with the truth in God’s Word.

Write Below the Surface